박상철 (朴相哲 Park, Sang-Chul)
- 학력사항 : 미) Florida State University, 행정학 박사(석,박사 통합)
건국대학교 행정학사 - 연구분야 : 도시 및 지역 거버넌스, 정부간 관계, 국제개발협력, 스마트 성장 정책 및 복지, 경영진단 및 성과평가
- 담당과목 :
- 연락처 : 사회과학관 325호, 053-810-2637
- 전자우편 : scpark@ynu.ac.kr
- 한국행정연구원 부연구위원
- Hinkley Center and Askew School of Public Administration at Florida State University 박사 후 과정
- Sang-Chul Park, Keon-Hyung Lee, and Se-Jin Lee. (2014). “Public Health and Local Comprehensive Plan: Socio-Physical, Political and Multi-Sectoral Context” Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government (SSCI) 12(1): 105-125.
- Sung-Wook Kown and Sang-Chul Park. (2014. forthcoming). “Metropolitan Governance: How Regional Organizational Influence Interlocal Land Use Coordination.” Journal of Urban Affairs(SSCI).
- Sang-Chul Park with 8 coauthors. (2013). Application of Revised Nursing Work Index in South Korean Hospital Nurses” Asian Nursing Research(SSCI).
- Keon-Hyung Lee, Sang-Chul Park, Jung-Won Park, and Seumgho Lim. (2013). Medicaid Inpatient Costs and Nested Structural Analysis using a Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Health Service and Outcomes Research Methodology
- Jung-Wong Park, Keon-Hyung Lee, and Sang-Chul Park. (2013). “Factors Affecting The State’s SCHIP Spending and Coverage: The Role of Partisan Politics and Fiscal Determinants). International Review of Public Administration
- Park, Sang-Chul, Sung-Wook Kown, and Se-Jin Lee. (2013). “Participants in Local Zoning for Multifamily Housing Development and Decision Delay: Transaction Costs and Hierarchical Governance.” International Review of Public Administration 18(1): 167-196.
- Park, Sang-Chul, Chang-Kyu Kwak, and Sung-Wook Kown. (2012). “Hierarchical Governance and Residential Development.” Korean Journal of Policy Study 27(2): 1-22.
- Park, Sang-Chul, Jung-Won Park, and Keon-Hyung Lee. (2012) “Growth Management Priority and Land Use Regulation in Local Governments: Regarding Full Structural Equation Modeling.” International Review of Public Administration 17(1): 125-145
- 윤태섭·박상철·이건형. (2012). “Factors affecting Local Tax Policy Adoption in Economic Development Regarding the Case of Business Tax Incentive Programs in Florida Counties (조세 감면 프로그램 채택에 미치는 영향 요인 분석에 관한 연구: 플로리다 카운티 정부를 중심으로).”『지방행정 연구』26(1): 161-192. (in English).
- 박상철·이건형·김판석. (2012). “Effect of Public Employees’ Length of Service on Turnover Intention.” 『한국공공관리
- 박상철·이세진·김태진. (2011). “Determinant of the Construction of On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System (OSTDS) in Florida Local Government: Regarding Transaction Cost Theory (거래 비용 이론과 개인하수처리시설 건설에 관한 연구: 플로리다 지방정부를 중심으로).”『국토연구』69:123-142. (in English).
- Park, Sang-Chul, Se-Jin Lee, and Keon-Hyung Lee. (2010). “Policy Adoption of the Special Design (SD) Provision in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” World Medical & Health Policy 2(4): Article 5.
- 박상철·박정원·이건형. (2010). “State Politics, Fiscal Stability and Needy Groups; State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” 『국정관리연구』5(2): 137-165. (in English).
- 유동상·박상철. (2010). “Understanding Local Politics and Affordable Housing in terms of Political Market Theory (지방 정치와 다세대 주택관계에 관한 연구: 정치 시장론을 중심으로)”『지방행정연구』24(4): 423-448. (in English).
- Park, Jung-Won, Sang-Chul Park, and Keon-Hyung Lee. (2010). “The Adoption of State Growth Management Regulation (SRMR): Regarding Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework and Event History Analysis.” International Review of Public Administration 15(2): 43-58.
- 박상철·이세진·김태진. (2009). “Factors Affecting Housing Affordability in U.S. Local Government: Hierarchical Linear Modeling regarding the Political Economy Perspective (미국 지방정부의 저소측층 주택공급정책 영향요인에 관한 연구: 정치경제학 관점에서 계층선형모형 분석을 중심으로).”『국토연구』61: 41-60. (in English).
- 박정원·박상철·이건형. (2009). “Factors Affecting State’s Spending Disparity in State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).” 『한국국정연구』 27(2): 83-102. (in English).
각종 학회활동
- Kwon, Sung-Wook, Richard Feiock, and Sang-Chul Park. (2012). “Development Impact Fees: A Vehicle or Restraint for Land Development?” to be submitted for Peer Review.
- Lee, Keon-Hyung and Sang-Chul Park. 2010. “Hospital Competition and Inpatient Cost: Using a Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) Approach.” Graduate School of Governance at SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Park, Sang-Chul and Keon-Hyung Lee. 2010 (April). “State Politics, Fiscal Stability and Needy Groups: State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” 2010 Annual Conference of American Society for Public Administration, San-Jose, CA.
- Park, Sang-Chul, Sung-Wook Kwon, Se-Jin Lee. 2010 (January). “Residential Development and Governmental Hierarchical Linear Modeling of Multi-Family Housing Zoning.” 2010 Annual Conference of Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Park, Sang-Chul, Se-Jin Lee and Tae-Jin Kim. 2009 (April). “Housing Affordability and Urban Politics: Hierarchical Linear Modeling regarding the Political Market Perspective.” 2009 Annual Conference of Florida Political Science Association, Orlando, FL.
- Park, Jung-Won, Sang-Chul Park and Keon-Hyung Lee. 2009 (April). “Factors Affecting Expenditure of State Children Health Insurance Program: Political Institutional Ideology and Administrative Structure.” 2009 Annual Conference of Florida Political Science Association, Orlando, FL.
- Park, Sang-Chul and Keon-Hyung Lee. 2008 (September). “Policy Adoption of Special Design (SD) on State Children’s Health Insurance Program.” 2008 Annual Meeting of Southeastern Conference of Public Administration, Orlando, FL.