Hae Young Lee
- Professor
- Dean(2007. 9 ~ 2009. 1), Graduate School of Public Administration.
- Editor-in-chief, Journal of Korean Political Science, 2000--2007(intermittently).
- Editor-in-chief, The Korea Policy Journal, 2005-currently.
- B.A. : Yeungnam University, S. Korea, 1981, February.
- M.A. in Public Administration: Kyungpook National University, S. Korea, 1984, February.
- Ph.D. in Policy Sciences: University of Maryland, Baltimore, U.S.A., 1990, January.
- E/mail : ykim@ynu.ac.kr
- Office phones : +82-53-810-2634(0)
Teaching and Research Fields
- policy sciences, policy analysis, policy philosophy under oriental philosophies, in issues on policy distributive justice and interpenetration model explained by totality theory and ontology, policy balancing theory, multidimensional policy theory, policy leadership: purification model, primary theories of policy sciences, comparative study on policy sciences among Korea, China, and Japan, policy causations between mental and physical causation theories, etc.
- Policy Balancing Theory, 2008, Gyeongsan: Yeungnam University Press (attached English Summary and Contents). The 2009 Outstanding book in the Field of Social Sciences Awarded by the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea.
- New Perspectives of Policy Sciences in Theory and Practice, revised 2nd edition, 2004, Seoul; Hackhyun Publishing Co. (in Korean with English edition of contents and summary).
- Research Methodology for Social Sciences, 2005, Seoul: Daeyoung Publishing Co. (in Korean).
- Multidimensional Policy Theory: Reality and Application, 2001, Seoul: Bubmunsa (in Korean with English edition of contents and summary).
- Policy Leadership for Korean Political Leaders, 2003, Seoul: Jipmundang, (in Korean).
- "A founding research on the study of history of Korean policy sciences." Korean Policy Studies Review, 2007, 16(2): 1-28.
- "Essential characteristics of policy balance in Confucian philosophy," Korean Journal of Public Administration, 2006, 44(4): 1-24.
- "Discussion on the concept of policy balance," Korean Policy Studies Review, 2005, 14(4): 91-115
- "Some necessities for policy balance in the new government," The Korea Policy Journal, 2004, 3: 80-93.
- "The history of policy sciences in the 1950s to 1970s," Korean Policy Studies Review, 2003, 12(2): 259-282.
- "Structuring the multi-dimensional policy theory," Journal of Korean Political Science, 2002, 10(2): 45-68.
- "Multidimensional policy theory to the road of bridging the widening gap between policy fact and value dichotomy, " Korean Policy Studies Review, 2001, 10(3): 41-62.
- "Characteristics of national policymaking system and process in South Korea," Herald of the International Center of Asian Researches, 1999, vol.3: 120-139. Irkutsk Sate Pedagogical University, Russia (in English).
- "Paradigmatic possibilities of madhyamika and four dharmadhatus theories for building multi-dimensional policy sciences," Journal of Korean Political Science, vol.7, no.2, 1999: 57-69.
- "Policy theory-practice monism(I): the madhyamika approach," Korean Public Administration Quarterly, vol.10, no.1, 1998: 1-24.
- "Policy role-conflicts of elected local executives," Korean Public Administration Quarterly, vol.8, no.2, 1996: 325-346.
- "Practical difficulties of policy theory-practice dichotomy: methodology for policy sciences," Korean Public Administration Quarterly, vol.7, no.2, 1995: 23-39.