Soon-yang Kim
- Professor
- Ph.D in Public Administration and in Social Policy. Seoul National University
- Visiting scholar at Southampton University, UK
- Visiting research associate at LSE Health and Social Care.
- E/mail :
Teaching and research areas
- policy theories, social policy, and welfare administration
Publications(in English only)
- "Immigrant Brides in the Korean Rural Farming Sector: Social Exclusion and Policy Responses"(2008)
- "The East Asian Developmental State and Its Economic and Social Policies: The Case of Korea"(2008)
- "Civic Groups in Korean Health Politics: Policy Advocate or Policy Broker?"(2007)
- "Changing Politics, Interest Conflict, and the Dynamics of Health Policy-making in Korea: Striving for the Establishment of a Single Unified Health Insurer" (2007)
- "Consolidating the Authoritarian Developmental State in the 1970s Korea: Chosen Strategies"(2007)
- "Contrasting Policy-making Dynamics under the Same Authoritarian Political System: Evidences from the Early 1980s' Korea"(2006)
- "Reluctant Compromise on the Cliff-edge: The Struggle to Consolidate Social Pacts in Korean Labour Policy"(2006)